DRI Program Goals

The New York State Department of State has identified a series of goals for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Program that will be used by the White Plains Local Planning Committee as a starting point to develop its own set of localized goals that support its vision for revitalization. These goals are to:

  • Create an active downtown with a strong sense of place;
  • Attract new businesses that create a robust mix of shopping, entertainment, and service options for residents and visitors, and that provide job opportunities for a variety of skills and salaries;
  • Enhance public spaces for arts and cultural events that serve the existing members of the community but also draw in visitors from around the region;
  • Build a diverse population, with residents and workers supported by complementary varied housing and employment opportunities;
  • Grow the local property tax base;
  • Provide amenities that support and enhance downtown living and quality of life;
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support investments that are more resilient to future climate change impacts.

The State’s programmatic goals and the community’s local goals will guide the entire DRI planning process, inform project development and selection, and be clearly reflected in downtown White Plains’ Strategic Investment Plan.

The Process

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1. Public Engagement

Transparent, open, and ongoing public engagement is a critical component of the DRI planning process and the development of the Strategic Investment Plan (SIP). Public engagement will occur throughout the entire DRI planning process to ensure community needs, opportunities, and challenges are identified, to determine potential projects, and to ensure the DRI revitalization efforts are supported. This includes three public workshop meetings, public comment at Local Planning Committee Meetings, and continuous ability to provide comments and feedback. The meeting schedule can be found here.

2. Downtown Profile and Assessment

The downtown profile and assessment will provide a clear, concise, and compelling narrative that articulates the story of the region and the downtown area and describes the future of the area and region of White Plains. The profile and assessment will allow the reader to understand why this downtown will benefit from the DRI program and provide a logical basis for the projects recommended for DRI funding.

3. Community Vision, Goals, and Revitalization Strategies

Informed by the community’s DRI application and community input, the Local Planning Committee will develop a vision statement with corresponding goals and revitalization strategies to guide decision-making about future development and investment in the DRI area. The vision statement is intended to be ambitious as well as illustrative of the community’s vision for the future, which will be advanced through the implementation of DRI projects.

4. Project Development

DRI projects can be identified in a variety of ways, including the community’s application, during an Open Call for Projects, through public engagement, or during the planning process as it advances. The consultant team, led by Nelson, Pope, and Voorhis, will work closely with project sponsors and the LPC to develop and refine proposed projects, and then recommend a final slate of projects to the State to be considered for DRI funding. These projects are expected to have positive and transformative impacts on White Plains and will be a mix of public and privately sponsored projects. The LPC will select the final slate of projects based on public input, LPC and community priorities, and evaluation criteria established by the LPC based on State requirements.

5. Strategic Investment Plan Compilation

The goals of the DRI program will be reflected in the SIP developed for White Plains and the projects identified in each plan. The SIP, which will be prepared by the consultant team, is a compilation of the required deliverables that are a reflection of the entire DRI process. Each SIP will describe the unique challenges and opportunities for revitalization of the White Plains Downtown area, present the community’s vision for the future of the area, and propose transformative projects that may be implemented with an investment of DRI funds.